VIN, Serial Numbers, Body Tags, Build Cards etc. |
VIN / FIN Vehicle Identification Number Dodge WC |
Bodytag number of a Dodge WC |
Located on the lid under the hood on the drivers side on open cab bodies. |
Commander still has his original VIN 81546650 and the original body tag attached |
showing the matching number 4229/933 |
42 = 1942 for the year the model was introduced by the manufacturer (and not the year of manufacturing) |
29 = Dodge body model number for Radio Reconnaissance Command |
933 = Body number, number in production line |
Special to Command Cars is a 4 or 5 digit number which can be found stamped into the engine |
compartment side of the firewall. This appears to be a Budd serial number which is used only on |
Command Car bodies. It does not match the body tag number as the same bodies were used to produce |
WC56 and WC57 Command Cars (body model 19) and WC58 Radio Command Cars (body model 29). |
USA registration numbers were painted on the hood: |
How Many Command Cars Were Build Between 1942 - 1944: |
WC 56 Reconnaissance w/o winch: 21.156 in total |
WC 57 Reconnaissance with winch: 6.010 in total |
WC 58 Radio: 2.344 in total |
Detailed info on annual production from four different resources: |
Compilation of Dodge Build Cards on own page for the Build Cards |
CLICK HERE for several build cards
One Build Card Example and What Is Shown on the Card |
The picture shows the scan of the build card from "Commander George" received from the Chrysler archives. |
The card shows the original model and exact body of the Dodge with that serial / VIN number, |
here VIN 81546650 built with body 933 on 25th of July 1942 as a body model 29. |
Other Body Model Numbers: |
10 = Flat faced cowl |
12 = Closed cab |
13 = Panel Van (also first hand-converted VC6 Carryalls) |
19 = Reconnaissance (Command Car) |
29 = Radio Reconnaissance (Radio Command Car) |
39 = Ambulance |
49 = Carryall |
56 = Closed cab (half ton) |
62 = Closed cab |
66 = Express body with transverse rear seats |
76 = Express body with no rearseats |
86 = Gun motor carriage |
90 = Flat faced cowl with bucket seats |